Contact Us

Contact Persons for Inquiries:

Joseph Bayda: Founder: 306-261-8480

Don Larmour: Foundation Pres.:


10km N.E. of Aberdeen, SK on HWY #41
Across from the Bayda Plantation

If you are in need of a Realtor and want to support the Millennium Pro-Life Cross Foundation, Inc., please consider choosing Real Estate for Life. They will put you in touch with a professional Pro-Life Realtor in your area. All you have to do is let them know we sent you, and we receive a small referal commission, it’s as simple as that!

Voluntary Donation Categories

Friends: Under $400 (certificate issued)

Supporters: $401 – $599

Patrons: $600 – $999

Donors: $1,000 – $4,999

Builders: $5,000 – $9, 999

Benefactors: + $10,000

The names of donors of $400 and over will be
cast on the bronze donor plaque.

Send Monetary Donations To:

Millennium Pro-Life Cross Foundation Inc.
c/o Box 25
Aberdeen, SK
S0K 0A0

(Donations are voluntary and not tax-deductible)

For more information: